Thursday, August 03, 2006

Too Funny

Ok, I have to get this off my chest! There are two people in my training class. I have nick-named them Ms. I've-got-a-personal-story-for-everything and anti-Terrorist Man. Okay so both of them are former military and they compete to see who can talk (read: brown-nose) the most. They drive everyone crazy but the funny thing is that they drive each other crazy. For instance, when one is telling a story the other looks around at everyone and rolls their eyes. Ms. IGAPSFE is an over-sharer. I already know way too much about her. I know for instance that she once had a cat and it peed all over her carpet. She's divorced. She names all her pets after ex-boyfriends. And she's looking for an apartment and it must have a washer and dryer! Anti-Terrorist Man wants this job because he feels like he is going to be able to fight terrorism! (Insert image of over-weight balding 40 year old man in front of a waving flag) On the first day he asked if we checked out (like cops and robbers) people of "Middle Eastern Origin". Both of them like to make quasi-racist comments. They are quite the pair!

Thought of the Day
The phrase "Look at these pictures on my website" shouldn't ever be uttered at work.

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