Thursday, August 10, 2006


So I am sitting here at work with nothing to do. I mean... I do have stuff to do. I could pull work but there is no one in the room to help us. So no one is working. We are all sitting here like lost sheep. Anti-Terrorism Man and Ms. Over-Share are fighting about when a hurricane becomes a typhoon. Ms. Over-Share pretty much shut him down with a big "I was in meteorology for like four years!" (To which my inner monologue added, nanny-nanny-boo-boo)

I wanted them to fight it out! Winner take all (in this case naming hurricanes/typhoons)!

Let's Get Ready to Ruuuuuuummmmmbbbbllllllleeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Jock jams music)

Thought of the Day
That's useful!

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