Thursday, August 31, 2006

My Two Dads

Well it looks like BestFriend is moving to O-town. He came in to town and had some job interviews. He told me that he's 80% sure he'll be moving up. He starts mid-September. We need to find a place to live. We all can't fit into my house.

I think it will be fun. It could be trouble! Of course we'll have to get him to dance more so when we go to the Max he can shake his booty!

Thought of the Day
Rules make me think of a game, Are we playing a game?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Bi-polar Weekend

What a roller-coaster of a weekend. Babymama is back in the hospital. Which isn't new but she decided not to call me so we could figure out what to do with PrincessNic. I mean the girl is independent but...

So I spent the whole weekend stressing out about what I was going to do with her on Monday! Arg! I feel bad because I know Babymama is in the hospital and she doesn't really want to worry about Nic but come on dude! Give me a call.

On a brighter note, the ladies tied 1-1 on Sunday. Pretty damn good turn around considering we got our asses kick 6-0 two weeks ago. I'll strike that one up to good coaching! I should ask for a raise!

Thought of the Day
You got those TPS reports done for me?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Nice Job Ladies

Last night's training really made my day. The girls practiced well. And for the first time... we're out of breath after an activity! (Collective gasp!) We have our first league game on Thursday. I'm nervous. I want to get the girls a win. I guess we'll see.

Thought of the Day
And then she whispered "How could you did this to me?"
Hate me so you can finally see whats good for you...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Boiling Point

I don't even know where to begin. I am spinning my wheels. My job is ok. Not really what I want to be doing but I realize it is a good paycheck and a good place to start. The people are fun but there isn't a whole lot of socializing. School started yesterday and for the first time in 20 years I didn't start (That's right kids 20! 7 of grammar school, 2 of middle school, 4 of hell oops high school, 4 getting the HC advantage, and the last two at UNO) I want to get going on my thesis but can't jump in. I need to call Dr. B and see what my options are. Spoke with GradBuddy last night and she was talking about classes. I miss them! How weird, right! Soccer is killing me. I just feel really slighted by the club. I went from having one of the best teams in the club to one of the worst. JC tells me it will make me a better coach. Bullshit! It is going to make me quit. I'm really not enjoying myself.

Thought of the Day
Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.

Friday, August 18, 2006


I woke up this morning feeling recharged!!!!! BestFriend is in town to drop off some resumes. I hope he finds a job in Omaha. That would be cool. My Two Dads!

Work is going well. I'm starting to get the hang of it (For the most part). We do so many different things it is hard to know everything. Everybody is very helpful so that makes it nice.

In other news, I think I saw a girl I went out with in High School. She probably hates me so I don't know if I'll go say, "Hi." Oh! Who am I kidding, I'm looking for her seat so I can drop on in. Hahahahahah! I'm so evil!

Thought of the Day
I like girls with small hands...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

On My Butt

Well I can now see why American's are overweight. I sit in front of this computer screen all day! Arg! Today I had about 10 minutes of break left so at 5:20 I took it. I bothered everyone on the work IM. Pretty fun time. I hope I don't annoy everyone. That would suck to be that guy. So I have PrincessNic tonight. We just got done eating some pizza and we're going to go to the park. I know, I know too much excitement right?

Thought of the Day
I'm bossy!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Cut the Cord

Well today was a first day out on the floor. I felt like I still had a hundred questions. I hope I wasn't bugging everyone too much. It kills me just sitting there looking a computer screen all day but I guess I will live.

The girls didn't do too well. We lost all of our games. I have alot of work. Is it bad of me to say, "This Sucks!" JC keeps telling me this will make me a better coach but I want a good team! Arg!

Thought of the Day
I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!

Friday, August 11, 2006

First Game

Our first game is tonight. I'm pretty excited! I hope the girls do well tonight. They seemed really excited last night at practice. I have to haul ass to Elkhorn!

Thought of the Day
No worries it is only Friday.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


So I am sitting here at work with nothing to do. I mean... I do have stuff to do. I could pull work but there is no one in the room to help us. So no one is working. We are all sitting here like lost sheep. Anti-Terrorism Man and Ms. Over-Share are fighting about when a hurricane becomes a typhoon. Ms. Over-Share pretty much shut him down with a big "I was in meteorology for like four years!" (To which my inner monologue added, nanny-nanny-boo-boo)

I wanted them to fight it out! Winner take all (in this case naming hurricanes/typhoons)!

Let's Get Ready to Ruuuuuuummmmmbbbbllllllleeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Jock jams music)

Thought of the Day
That's useful!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Coporate Flexibility

I spoke with my boss about my options for my thesis. I got... "We'll see when the time comes."

Ok well that doesn't really work. I kinda need to know. I mean I know we're just talking about the last 2 1/2 years of my life and all but...

I don't know what I'm going to do. I need to figure this out really quick. If I can't do my interviews then I need to redo my method. I can come up with something different but it is going to take some time. I threw out there the possibility of a project which got promptly shot down. (Not a big deal, I want to do a thesis).

This is driving me crazy!

Thought of the Day
Lotion would be nice.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Down and Out

Yesterday I came down with something fierce. My body hurt, my joints ached, and apparently I had a fever! I woke up today at about 80% so I decided to go to work. What a waste of time! We had orientation today. Nothing worst than only bring at a job for week and having to sit through a day of crap you already knew! Oh well.

So I'm loving my tattoo! It looks cooler and cooler everyday.

Thought of the Day
Just being there is enough.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Here it is!

Well, yesterday was the long awaited day. GreenHoodie and I met at Liquid Courage at about 3:00. She made me look like a big pansy! I feel like crap. I think I've come down with the flu. Arg! Perfect timing!

Friday, August 04, 2006

40 Hours?

At 4:30 today I will have work my first 40 hour work week! This week I have:
  • Consumed 20 bottles of soda
  • Had three donuts
  • Completed 3 pieces of work
  • Had 25 breaks
  • Sent 12 emails
  • Watched people smoke 4 cigarettes
  • Laughed my ass off at the expense of others
All-and-all it was a pretty good week.

Thought of the Day
This lucid dream is now reality and it makes me so anxious.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Too Funny

Ok, I have to get this off my chest! There are two people in my training class. I have nick-named them Ms. I've-got-a-personal-story-for-everything and anti-Terrorist Man. Okay so both of them are former military and they compete to see who can talk (read: brown-nose) the most. They drive everyone crazy but the funny thing is that they drive each other crazy. For instance, when one is telling a story the other looks around at everyone and rolls their eyes. Ms. IGAPSFE is an over-sharer. I already know way too much about her. I know for instance that she once had a cat and it peed all over her carpet. She's divorced. She names all her pets after ex-boyfriends. And she's looking for an apartment and it must have a washer and dryer! Anti-Terrorist Man wants this job because he feels like he is going to be able to fight terrorism! (Insert image of over-weight balding 40 year old man in front of a waving flag) On the first day he asked if we checked out (like cops and robbers) people of "Middle Eastern Origin". Both of them like to make quasi-racist comments. They are quite the pair!

Thought of the Day
The phrase "Look at these pictures on my website" shouldn't ever be uttered at work.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The "Real" World

So Monday I started my job. My first "real" job. How cute! Ok so anyway... talk about boring! Ah!!!!!! Let me give you a run down of our first day.
  • 8-10 -- Tour (I found the bathroom and where I can get Mountain Dew, Thank Jesus!)
  • 10-10:30 -- Break #1 (Apparently that tour was intense.)
  • 10:30-11-- Learn about some of the account applications.
  • 11-11:30 -- Break #2 (Strange but true)
  • 11:30-12:15 -- Learned what 10 core things need to be included on every application. (I'm not going to lie to ya... 10 is a big number!)
  • 12:15-1:00 -- Lunch! (I had two tacos at Fast Burrito. Who could go wrong with a name like that?)
  • 1:00-1:45 -- Learned about all the wonderful account types here.
  • 1:45-2:00 -- Break #3 (Only 15 minutes? What!!!!!????)
  • 2:00-3:00 -- Learned about IRA's and Trusts! (Sweet Beaver!)
  • 3:00-3:15 -- (Can you guess?) Break #4
  • 3:15-4:30 -- I stabbed my eyes out.

Real world? Posh!!! It is a huge break interrupted by brief periods of work!

Now I only need to figure out how I can squeeze in a nap!

Bad Blogger

This Drama Queen has been a bad blogger! I'm sorry. I have so much to talk (complain) about especially starting my new job! I will write something on this soon (after I go and get pants)!

Thought of the Day
Too many questions pisses the hell out of me!