Friday, July 21, 2006

Speedy Soccer Mom

BestFriend came into town last night and we had some $1 pitchers at Mustang Sallys. Let me tell you, $1 beer does not go down as smooth as $7 beer. We had a good time throwing some darts. As usual I let BestFriend win. I wouldn't want to crush his ego.

I saw the craziest soccer mom ever today. So BestFriend and I were going to drop off some resumes and we were stuck on Dodge. The whole area around the new "express" way was bumper to bumper (Ironic, huh). Then this Silver mini-van comes flying up on the shoulder. This van doesn't just by pass a couple of people while they are trying to merge in. They drive on the shoulder through all of the traffic and jump in at the last minute! What is this? This lady is single handily unraveling the fabric of society! What if everyone just decides to completely ignore the rules of a line? Where would we be? In the f-ing dark-ages!!!!!! That's where!!!!! Who does this lady think she is?!

Thought of the Day

10 things you should never tell a women:

  1. Your family hates her.
  2. You have insecurities.
  3. You flirt with other women.
  4. You have wimpy behavior.
  5. You compare her to your ex-girlfriend in bed.
  6. You talk to your mother too often.
  7. You have not-so-cool hobbies.
  8. You don't like her girlfriends.
  9. You've done shameful things in the past.
  10. You find one of her friends smoking hot.

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