Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm... Sorry...

There are two words that send my daughter into a tantrum, "I'm sorry". I don't understand the extreme aversion to a simple apology.

It has been a whirl wind of a week. Work was very slow. They were talking about letting people go home early we were so dead. I actually left at 1:00 on Friday because I already had 40 hours. I still really love my job. I made some bigger mistakes this week. I don't think they were anything too bad.

I got the results from my B. I am now officially a B licensed coach. I'm pretty excited. I got a personal call from my favourite OPD officer to congratulate me. I need to contact some of the other guys in my class to see how they did.

I figured out that I could be credit card debit free in 12 months. I really excited. Father is pressing me about the car. That might put a damper on my 12 month plan but I hope I can still make it work. I guess we'll see.

Thought of the Day
If I had to choose between her and the sun, I'd be one nocturnal son-of-a-gun.

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