Monday, December 31, 2007

The Good... Bad... and Ugly...

Today is the last day of 2007. What a wild ride this year has been! I have been through just about everything in the last 52 weeks. Last year I had a great relaxing evening at home. This year I anticipate a bit more... drunkeness (is that even a word?)

The Good: I sound Super-Sappy but I have found someone!
The Bad: I think BestFriend and I are more distant than ever. I guess it is just a natural progression of life.
The Ugly: I hurt someone I cared for a lot.

Thought of the Day:
Goodbye 2007... Hello 2008...

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The 24 1/2 Century!

I can no longer say I am the last person on the face of this earth that doesn't have an Ipod. (Thanks Dad!)

I hope all of you had a great long holiday weekend! I know I did!
I did not want to go to work to this morning. I just wanted to roll over and find my nook.

Thought of the Day
I can't remember to forget you...

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Holiday Spirit

I am so excited for the future. I don't know if this drama queen has ever said that before. I am actually looking forward to "the next step".

Is it May yet?

Thought of the Day
Please come home for Christmas...

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

One Year Later...

As I was driving to work this morning I got to thinking... (dangerous I know...)
This time last year I had just been "let go" from Inatek. What a roller-coaster of a year!
I can't believe all the changes that have taken place this year.

I wonder if every year will be so... drama-full.

Thought of the Day
No whats...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Early Bird...

For the last two days have come in to work at 6:30. Do you know what the world looks like at 6:30? Dark... D-A-R-K.

I spoke with Controller yesterday
about getting a raise. She seems really receptive to the idea but we are talking about mo' money and she mentions that BK and AK didn't know if they wanted to keep me on after Judy left. Apparently, I made too many "mistakes" and wasn't very good.


You have got to be kidding... I really don't want to be here now. I just feel really stoopid. I don't even know where to start. I applied for like 6 jobs last night in a fit of rage.

Thought of the Day
I wish I could tell you... you are worse now than you were when you were with Meg.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Grind

What a whirlwind of a weekend...
I got PrincessNic on Friday and we sat down to watch a little Toy Story. Classic...

KCGirl came up Saturday morning and the three of us went to the boy's soccer party. I realized something while there. I can't relate to anything they are talking about. What the fuck? When we were not talking about soccer I sat in silence... I wish I could small talk...

So we dragged ourselves away and carved some pumpkins. They look pretty good (dusting off shoulder)

Spooky, huh?

Today was pretty lazy. I mowed the yard this morning... it was cold! I thought I was going to have to scoop snow off the driveway before I was done mowing.

What happened to this global warming business? When is it going to start warming!?

Thought of the Day

Is Mars a thing that is cold?

Monday, October 15, 2007

Case of the Mondays...

It must suck to be Monday...
Monday is like that kid at school that even the nerds picked on.

I have been thinking a lot about how we got screwed into this 5 day work-week. I mean who thought... 5 days of work 2 days off yeah that sounds fair! Why not 4 and 3? Who made this choice that the rest of us now have to live with? There seems to be no rationale behind it?

If I had a time machine... I would go back and kill this man. Fuck Hitler, Stalin, and Nerdy Monday Kid... 5-day-work-week-guy I am coming after you!

Thought of the Day
Set free me why don't you
get out my life why don't you
Cause you don't really love me, no
You just keep me hanging on

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I can't figure out what is going on...

I am not happy. I am not happy with anything right now. I hate being at our new place. I resent soccer right now. Fucking ISO-altion-DISC is the only place I feel happy... now isn't that some fucked up shit!

What is different? More and more often I feel the anger start to consume me but there is nothing I can do about it. The harder I fight the more pissed off I get.

I can't just keep to myself because then I am being "passive-aggressive".

Thought of the Day
... and the reason is you...

Friday, October 05, 2007

New Title... Same BS...

Seems like forever has pasted since I wrote last...

I am back to being a resident of Nebraska. I really like our new big house. I think once we get unpacked it will be great.

I got crazy sick... Strep C and a Staff infection at the same time. I don't know what that means but apparently it was bad. I had to miss a whole week of work... I think the size of my pay-cheque may make me sick again.

Speaking of ISO-ation-DISC, we have a new controller (No nickname... yet). She is really nice and she has been trying to fix the things that I hate about my job. I am really excited.

KCGirl is coming up this weekend. She is excited to see the new place.

PricessNic has been in beautiful Wisconsin for two weeks with Grandma. I guess she is pretty spoiled now. I have to go and get her on Sunday. She be a lovely trip...

Thought of the Day
Good things are coming to you in due course of time.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Karma's a...

What a drama-ful last couple of days. I don't really know where to start. KCGirl and I are no longer "us". That is a pretty big revelation. She found out that GreenHoodie and I had slept together. Pretty ironic... I let someone who I knew I didn't want to be with ruin something I was was sure about. There are a lot of people who will say this is just par for the course with me. I deserve all the pain I have caused and then some. I will never know what is like to feel that kind of pain.

BestFriend says I should head down there... fight! I would like another chance but I honestly don't think I deserve one. I can't promise that it won't happen again. I wish I could...

Thought of the Day
I will never know what it is like to date me.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Day One

Tomorrow will the first day in the Post-Judy era. His last day was Friday... and he left early. Typical for Judy. I think everyone is glad he is gone. It was kinda sad. I hope when I leave it is not like that. I have to talk to Barb about getting my Internet back... and getting a raise.

I guess we'll see how the new era goes. Wish me luck...

Thought of the Day
Oh, so I drank one
It became four
And when I fell on the floor
......I drank more

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Big Man

Michael gave is two weeks today. Not a huge surprise but it means that I am going to be it.

I am sooooo asking for my Internet back!

Thought of the Day
I'll keep you locked in my head
Until we meet again

Friday, August 10, 2007

Clock Slavery

Boy o' boy... I am crazy bored! I have been sitting at my desk for two hours now with NOTHING to do! I wish I could just leave but I need the money. I am a slave to the clock! Damn ISO-lation-DISC...

Soccer started this week. The girls have their first game tonight. I hope it goes well. We have 5 new girls that really give us alot of potential. The boys have their first game tomorrow. I am really excited to see how both teams play.

I have still not heard back from Omni. I hate this part. I took the time to come down there twice and they can't give me a call to let me know... something anything! I presented two weeks ago. I guess at this point I am assuming the worst.

Blah blah blah yadaa yadaa yadaa...

Thought of the Day
I tear my heart open... just to feel...

Friday, August 03, 2007

Out of Sight...

Well... First off... Babymama has not mentioned moving anymore. So either she is laying low or it was just another tall tale. I guess only time will tell. Hopefully, it will just be like everything in her life... alot of talk.

I got a call from Omni. They have not made a choice yet. They hope to know by Wednesday. I am not feeling so confident at this point. I just feel like... if it was me they would have called by now. I guess I don't know what goes on behind-the-scenes.

BestFriend and I have been looking for a new place to call home. It has been... slow.

Thought of the Day
... you either do or you don't...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Swipe

Spoke with Babymama on Friday. She mentioned the fact that she is thinking about moving to Texas. I don't know if I am supposed to take her serious.

More to come later...

Saturday, July 14, 2007


I am sitting here in KC and everyone is getting ready to go out for the night and I realized I am completed isolated from "my" world. I have this feeling that something is going on back home and when I get back "wham" I am going to be stunned to find everything has changed. Should I feel like this? Why am I always so torn up about my actions? July is just a bad month for me. What is up with that!?

It's not paranoia if they are actually out to get you. I think someone smart (or constantly high) said that...

I have my call back on Monday. I am very excited! I hope everything goes well.

Thought of the Day
I hope you are having a good weekend...

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Offer

I got the most AMAZING voicemail the other day. I got a call from a job I interviewed for last summer. I had made it into the final 3 candidates but they chose someone else. Apparently, they have another opening and they want me to come in and interview! This is like my dream job! I should get a call back on Tuesday!

I have been super stressed lately...

I feel like I work constantly but I don't have any money! I am trying to get all my credit cards paid off (this Drama Queen kinda likes to shop!) but I have to start paying off student loans.

PrincessNic and I have been lounging around the pool a lot lately. We have both noticed that we have some strange neighbors.

Thought of the Day
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not alright

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Birthday Weekend

In 3 hours, this Drama Queen will be on the wrong side of 30. No... not thirty yet... 26! Arg!!!!!

Friday night the Quadpod hit O-Town. KCGirl and I met up with Kiki and BestFriend at the Upstream. Then we went to Myth, the new 'Tini bar downtown. It had great atmosphere. Very laid back... very cool...

I did get a very interesting phone call from the BestFriend of GreenHoodie while at Myth. She wanted to know who gave the best head, KCGirl or GreenHoodie. I don't really understand the obession...

Today, KCGirl and I went to the pool with PrincessNic. It was a great afternoon hangin' with all the hot mommies... grrr!

Thought of the Day
They say I gotta change my evil ways
And I'm workin hard at it every day but
No matter what I do I seem to make the same mistakes that I'm tryin not to

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Pure Joy

This is what it is all about right here... My beautiful girl having the time of her life. All the other bullshit just melts away.

Look ma' no hands...

Have a good weekend everyone!

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Happy Fathers Day!!!!!

My third one was pretty good. PrincessNic and I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast (I cooked... she ate). We went down to the pool here at the apartment. She was really apprehensive about going in. So we sat in the lounge chairs (like the Divas we are) and peered over our sunglasses at people. Then we decided it was time to give the water a chance so we sat on the side and splashed around (while leering at the people in the pool). Then... PrincessNic wanted to jump in the pool. So of course I had to catch her and catch her I did... for an hour! Oh my poor arms!

Game Time

I just got home from a game of soccer. It felt great to get out and play. It was a lot of fun! We lost 3-2 but it was a great game. I guess I must have played ok since they invited me back next week.

This week has been tryouts. Arg! Didn't I spend all winter trying to get rid of these damn things. You want to see some drama... go hang out with soccer parents during tryout times! My life pales in comparison to this drama!

Thought of the Day
Let the rain of what I feel right now come down...

Sunday, June 03, 2007


What a whirlwind of a week... I think I have run the gamut of emotion.
KCGirl is now... in KC. Her and Pharma sound exactly like BestFriend and I. It is hilirious!
The Tripod has decided on our new Tuesday-night-karaoke-outing-locale. It could be the coolest bar in the world (... or at least CB).
GreenHoodie and I seem to be doing ok. I hope that there are no regrets about what is going on. That's probably too much to ask. I've already asked the world.

Thought of the Day
If you fall, I will catch you, I will be waiting...

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Gentleman's Game

BestFriend, Kiki, and I played a round of golf this afternoon. It was my first round ever! I only lost two balls. It was so exciting! It was such a nice relaxing afternoon. When I turn Pro and am chatting with Tiger I'll be able to say this was the start... BAHAAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!

Thought of the Day

Sunday, May 27, 2007


This Drama Queen has a confession to make. I believe in fate. How odd, right? I believe everything happens for a reason. Perhaps that's just me grasping to identify patterns in an infinitely random universe.

Thought of the Day
What is your reason...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ready or Not

The First Time We Met
Our First Picture Together

My Favourite One

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My Boys

Last night I got to see my boys play their last game together. It was such an honor to see them. I remember our first training session together. It was in the gym at the local YMCA and we went 1-7 that season. Many of them are going off to play at college and I am so proud of them all. It has got me re-energized about coaching. I hope that I can keep my current team together long enough for them to see how good we can be. But more than our success on the field these boys respect the game and each other. I have had the privilege of watching them become great young men who I can only hope have built friendships that will last as long as our memories.

The Hastings Flames 2000-2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Public Displays of...

On my way to work today I saw an interesting message. In the back window of this guy's truck was... "My other ride is your girlfriend." I was surprised to say the least. This was not a small license plate holder. This was a large decal across his entire back window.

If this man is indeed "riding" my girlfriend why would he display it is such a public fashion? Perhaps he is "riding" someone else's girlfriend? If so, he should be alittle more specific about who he is "riding". How does his girlfriend feel about this statement?

Thought of the Day
I want to wear you like an orgasm.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

End of the Line

Well I took the first step today... it was a very small step... some would even say it is a small step even for babies. But when I took this action I definitely had forward momentum... or at least had a slight wind at my back. I am starting to look for an attorney. now I am really an adult. I just really need to speak with someone about my babymama drama. Someone with... expertise... power... respect... big leather chairs and cheap art hanging on the walls.

In other news... I got to meet the Old Navy personnel (at least the one that are 21+). Best Friend, Kiki and I decided to join up with the Not Young Seamen staff at the bar. I don't know why they were all there (looking 'oh so stylish) but it was a pretty good time. Best Friend sang his usual line-up of karaoke songs. Kiki even loosened the stick up her ass and had a couple of drinks. I think she might have been drunk! Gasp!

Thought of the Day
Am I the last one to realize?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

New Ride

Today... I bought a car! I am freakin' out right now. Part of me is excited about my new sweet ride. The other half is nervous... I hope i made the right choice.

There she is... isn't she a beaut?

Thought of the Day

Monday, March 19, 2007

The Spaces in Between

I have lost all of my free and I don't know where I left it. I feel too busy lately and I'm afraid it is only going to get worse.
Soccer is starting to gear up this week. I will be training 4 nights a week! I enjoy the extra money but I don't know if it will be worth it. I guess only time will tell.
Work is going well... but I think Inatek may have scared me. I am constantly thinking about the possibility of being fired. I hope that is not the case. I very much enjoy my job and didn't like unemployment very much at all.
I am still looking for a car. Car salesmen make this a very difficult task. They are so... so... so... stereotypical. Chaz has been my favourite. He was actually nice (or at least fooled me) but he was in need of some help... more help than I could provide. Chaz was a middle aged man with thinning hair that was combed straight back. He wore brown dress slacks with black shoes and white socks. Now I am sure that most of Chaz's clientele did not notice his blatant disregard for basic fashion rules. This fashion-ista, however, could not buy a car from this man. In the words of a great American philosopher, "No one respects a clown."
GreenHoodie and I had a lovely weekend at the fields. I'm sure her new toy kept her nice and busy. (Heh heh)

Thought of the Day

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Today was our first of spring outdoor soccer. JC decided to not join us outside. What a lazy SOB. Oh well... I guess to each his own. It was so beautiful out! The girls were... the girls (not interested in working). The boys had a good time. We still didn't have the full team there. It concerns me. I spoke with Domina today about what we wanted to do next year. Part of me wants to put the players together that are committed. But that might mean not all the best players. I guess we'll see how this spring goes.

Thought of the Day
I couldn't do this without you.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Run-down

I am quickly coming up on my one month anniversary of my new job. I know it is not much but I am happy and everything seems to be going well.

Slie and Mother come into town this weekend. It will be a packed house. I hope we can get a good group together while Slie is in town. I know BestFriend is nervous about having his "mentor" in town. I think it will be a blast. Mother gets into town on Saturday.

PrincessNic will have her third birthday on Friday. I need to speak with Babymama to see what the plans are.

More to come later...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Daddy's Little Helper

Doin' alittle cleaning

I think you missed a spot

I'm... Sorry...

There are two words that send my daughter into a tantrum, "I'm sorry". I don't understand the extreme aversion to a simple apology.

It has been a whirl wind of a week. Work was very slow. They were talking about letting people go home early we were so dead. I actually left at 1:00 on Friday because I already had 40 hours. I still really love my job. I made some bigger mistakes this week. I don't think they were anything too bad.

I got the results from my B. I am now officially a B licensed coach. I'm pretty excited. I got a personal call from my favourite OPD officer to congratulate me. I need to contact some of the other guys in my class to see how they did.

I figured out that I could be credit card debit free in 12 months. I really excited. Father is pressing me about the car. That might put a damper on my 12 month plan but I hope I can still make it work. I guess we'll see.

Thought of the Day
If I had to choose between her and the sun, I'd be one nocturnal son-of-a-gun.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Strange Dream

I had the weirdest dream last night. I need to figure out what this dream is about before my head explodes.

Okay, so I am living in this apartment in O-town (alone) and as I am taking stuff up to my apartment I say Hi to this kid that lives next door. Well he becomes infatuated with me and tries to break into my apartment. At one point he steals the front door from my apartment (because apparently the hinges were on the outside of the door) and throws fake snakes inside. So I went over to his parent's apartment and told them that they needed to take care of this whole ordeal. They don't seem interested in helping so I go back to my apartment (still without doors) to call the police. But he had switched my phone out with another. And when I tried to call 911 I ended up calling his friend who pretended to be 911. While I was talking to "911" he snuck up behind me and kidnapped me. He took me to a bunch of his friends and they had to look after me. And they had a bunch of errands to run so the whole time we were I would see these people that I knew but I couldn’t tell them what was going on. Finally, I got a note to someone and I got to a phone. Then the guy that kidnapped me found me and I punched him in the face and ran away! Strange stuff!

Thought of the Day
If you are always starring down the road you miss the beauty of what is passing you by.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Week One

Well I have finished my first week of work. It was great. Everyone seems to get along and I am really catching on quickly. I am really happy with this new job. I've actually been thinking about the other jobs I was looking at. This job is 1000% better than Inatek! My god! It is like night and day. I don't really know what FirstComp was like but I don't have to tell people that they don't get insurance money. I don't have to work at Ghetto-are-we listening to people complain about their credit cards. I don't have to sell cars and I don't have to work crazy hours asking people who they want to be president. Amazing how life turns out.

Thought of the Day
Enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Job: Day Two

I really enjoy my new job!!!! Everything does happen for a reason.

Everyone is really nice. I am picking everything up really quick.

Thought of the Day
I don't trust people who don't give back.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Job (Let's hope)

So on Friday at 3:00 I was offered a job! I will be working as an administrative assistant for a small cd/dvd production company. I start Monday! I am so excited!!!!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007


I had two interviews today. The first was for an "impressions coordinator". While the title sounds kinda pud-whack it seems like it could be a pretty cool job. I am supposed to have a second interview next week. I also had an interview for an administrative assistant. The interview only lasted 10 minutes! I don't really know what to make of it?

Thought of the Day
What do you consider 2nd base?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New Faces

This new girl has been hanging out with BestFriend alot lately. I can't think of a name for her, some options are; Former-Dater-of Nelson (too vivid), RiverGirl (Makes her sound like a hobo), or ToeSocks (I am leaning towards this one). She seems nice enough. We'll see how it goes.

No real news on the job front. I have an interview on Friday. At this point I just want anything! I've been looking at the guard alittle. I am supposed to go in and talk to a recruiter. They have a pretty nice student loan repayment program that would be nice considering I have a couple of those.

I've been helping Father work on houses. It has really helped turn things around with us. Maybe this whole unemployment thing will be for the best.

Only time will tell.

Thought of the Day
Things always have a way of working themselves out.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Rough Start

What a day... what a day...

BestFriend and I went out last night to Mosquito Creek (super sketchy) and I got a lil' tore up. We had a blast. BestFriend asked me an odd question while we were there. I don't know what to make of it? I guess only time will tell.

I know I haven't been able to go out alot lately. I hope everyone is ready to go and party when I get a job! It is going to be wildness!

So I woke up this morning and got a call from Gallup. Apparently, they can't start the training class that I was supposed to be in on Monday. Arg! It might be a couple of weeks... double arg! What is my deal with jobs?

After having my dreams crushed by Gallup I decided to go help Father work on some houses. While on my way I got in a car accident! Triple arg!

What a day... what a day...

Thought of the Day
Drama has a way of rearing its head when you least expect it.

Monday, January 15, 2007

In Hiding

Don't tell anyone but this Drama Queen has gone underground... TO ESCAPE THE ARTIC'S COLD GRIP!!!!
It is everywhere! My God!

I have an interview at Home Instead tomorrow. I am very ready to get back to work. It is funny how much I miss working on a regular basis. Monday can't come soon enough.

Thought of the Day
I have a dream...
What is the state of that dream?

Friday, January 12, 2007

Cold Nebraska

Well I returned from beautiful Florida a couple of days ago. I am glad to be back but I'm not a fan of the weather. It is very cold today! Burrrrrrrr!

One thing I'm not excited about is going back to sitting around here. I wish my new job started a bit sooner!

Thought of the Day
I wish I could get back to normal

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Sunny Florida

Well I made it to Florida today. My flight left O town at 6:00 am this morning. Thank you Green Hoodie for the ride. I know it was very early for you. The plane was so fucking small I thought I was going to go crazy! Then we delayed getting in the ATL so I had to haul ass to the other side of the airport. Good thing they had these nice trains to take me. So I eventually made it to IMG (by the way it was 75 when I landed this afternoon, I'm currently wearing shorts and a T-shirt and it is 6:30!!!) It is amazing here! I can't believe it!

Well I have to jet and go watch a game. God life it hard right now.

Thought of the Day
I am a soccer geek