Monday, March 27, 2006

Weekend Update

What an interesting weekend (That one was for you Welsh Gal)! Friday I had to work all night. I think I also broke my ankle. (Not that night but previsously) It kind of hurts real bad. If I had insurance I think I would go get it checked out. Anyway, Bootybaby watched PrincessNic for me. I think she had fun because she was out like a light when I got her into the car. So I spent a nice relaxing evening at home with my woman! She droowls a little but I still love her.

Saturday I had to work again (What's up with that?). I actually enjoyed working this weekend. We had a little mini-camp for our 9 and 10 year olds. It was exhausting being chipper for that long. My dad watched PrincessNic for the night and I went out and partied it up! Ok, well it was a bit more subdued than I wanted but it got me out of the house. It was very enlightening. I now have an extensive vocabulary of slang terms for both the male and female genital. As BestFriend would say, "That's useful!"

Sunday I had to work... again! I made some damn good money this weekend! PrincessNic was in a good mood (despite staying up till 11:00, what a bad father). I had amazing home-made enchiladas for dinner. I was so excited and ready to end my weekend on a high note when... (Scary Music) StupidProfessor struck again! We had turned in an outline of our final paper. I got mine back and it said, "Does not meet the requirements -- 0/20" What?! Arg! I was so pissed. So mad even Kathryn couldn't distract me! (on the phone you sick-os!)(Not like that either you even sicker-os!)

So I emailed him to see if I could redo and he said yes. But gave me no more direction. He sent me some example from one of his undergraduate classes. What the hell am I supposed to do with that? Wipe my ass with it? So I guess I'll be muddling through that for the rest of the day.

Thought of the Day
Does everyone love a drunk dial?

WelshGirl and I

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