Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pure & True

PrincessNic had her first soccer practice last week. She was... very enthusiastic... I think I was sick of soccer by the end of the night.

"On Your Toes"
KCGirl and I also looked at a new place this weekend. I have to admit that I am nervous about the whole ordeal. My last experiment with "co-habitation" ended... in drama (gasp).

Oh, by the way... I am totally addicted to iTunes. How on earth did I live before? And why didn't you mofo's tell me to get with it!

Thought of the Day
Two households both alike in dignity...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Night Raw

Oh Mondays! How I loathe thee!

I can't decide if I would like use my vacation days to take every Monday off or Fridays.

Tough choice!

Thought of the Day
Is the "X" a kiss and the "O" a hug or vice-versa?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Take Me Away

Hello 2008...
What should I say?

Work is crazy! They are hiring another full-time person. I don't really know how to take this. I can't do the job well enough by myself? Or just believe them when they say that they think it is just too much for one person. I've asked how our responsibilities will be divided up but I can't really get a straight answer. In response, I've started putting my resume out there. I've had two companies call me back (what a good feeling!). I don't really want to change jobs but it would be nice to get better benefits. Maybe I could even get PricenessNic insurance (what a concept)...

Thought of the Day
Please don't stop the music...