Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Breaking Point...

There are times when I don't know why I go get PrincessNic from Babymama's. Tonight is one of those nights. She misses Babymama so much that she cries almost immediately after we leave. She is now crying in her room because at Babymama's she sleeps with her every night and here she sleeps alone. How can I compete... she's 4 1/2... who at that age wouldn't want to sleep with mom or dad every night? I want to cry with her... I want to cry and tell her I am sorry... I am sorry she misses her mom so much that she is driven to tears...

I hope some day you'll understand...

Thought of the Day
Where is the light at the end of my tunnel?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Shoot Me...

I am so sick of ISO-lation-DISC. I am tired of MooseKnuckle's bull shit (or is that Moose shit - which must be way more than a mere bull's shit - but anyway...). I am tired of the notion that no one works unless BK cracks the whip. I have an idea... how about cracking the whip on the one person who really doesn't do any work... Genius!

I am coming up on 2 years... I have been in my position longer than any of my predecessors. I am beginning to understand why.

Thought of the Day
Be careful what you wish for cuz you just might get it...

Sunday, November 02, 2008


After helping PrincessNic gather quite the haul of candy from the rich Dundee neighbors KCGirl and I decided to paint the town with the Lebanese.

The Nerd
It was a good time. I've never really been a big Halloween person. I just don't really understand the holiday.

Thought of the Day
Tonight, we're gonna set this record right
Confess, come and get it off your chest

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


For the past two months this Drama Queen has been plagued by a menacing demon. This abomination strikes without warning... comes at any hour of the day... wreaks havoc upon my life... and for only being 3 mm in size has been the biggest (and most expensive) pain in my ass (or is it a bit higher)!

I have... a kidney stone.

Thought of the Day
Out damn spot...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Let It Rain...

I don't have anything profound to say today (do I ever?)...

But I do want to say that the weather is not being very cooperative. I am supposed to be running my first tournament as DOC this weekend. But it appears as if Mother Nature has decided it would be a fantastic time to have a little rain shower (take lasts for 3 days).

Thought of the Day
I knew you when
I loved you then
The summer's young and helpless.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And Then There Was One...

So today my assistant at work got the axe. And just when things were starting to go so well.

It was a long time coming... apparently some people don't understand how to keep their negative thoughts private.

Thought of the Day
Where ever will the road take me...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Out of Hiding

I know it has been a while... let's just say I have been on a "drama" vacation.

So what jarred this Drama Queen back to the "real" world? A wicked crazy dream...

It started with BestFriend and others helping me move into a new apartment. I was thanking them helping me out. So they drove off and I walked up the stairs into my new place and you'll never guess who my new roommate was... Chrissy (Hello Past? Where the hell did you come from?) But even stranger than that... her ex-boyfriend was living with us. So anyway... we were unpacking and PrincessNic wanted to go and play with her new neighbors so she left. After awhile, I went to look for PrincessNic and there was this huge room full of kids watching some sort of children's show. Unfortunately, I couldn't find PrincessNic. So I'm freaking out. I'm going around this room looking for her but I couldn't bring myself to yell her name. I thought all the other parents would think so poorly of my since I had lost my kid! So I (quietly) search the room and still can't find her. So, in desperation, I go back to our apartment and there she is with Chrissy and they are as calm as can be.

Is that weird or what...

Thought of the Day
I've burnt every bridge I've ever built.

Friday, March 07, 2008

New Cubes!

Christmas came early (or late?) at ISO-lation-DISC. We got new cubicles! I am sure this was a tough decision for AK and BK. This money could have been used on so many other things... like fattening their bank accounts.

Here is my old cube... Nice huh?!

Here was my temporary "cube" during construction... Real nice huh?!

Here is my new cube (prior to moving in). Notice the sliding "glass" door. This is in case I want to have some privacy in my cubical... Real real nice huh?!

Thought of the Day
The Cubical is the modern dungeon.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Super Tuesday

Today was my one year aniversery at ISO-lation-DISC. I hope to holy hell that the next year is a little smoother than the last.

My Favourite Blonde

PrincessNic starts gymnastics tomorrow. She seems very excited! Babymama keeps telling me I could be around more, do more, and that I am so lucky. She really knows how to get under my skin. Then the sucker punch came from KCGirl. She got mad because I didn't share what Babymama said to me. Do you ever just not want to talk about something? It will just pass, right? (Sigh)

Thought of the Day

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pure & True

PrincessNic had her first soccer practice last week. She was... very enthusiastic... I think I was sick of soccer by the end of the night.

"On Your Toes"
KCGirl and I also looked at a new place this weekend. I have to admit that I am nervous about the whole ordeal. My last experiment with "co-habitation" ended... in drama (gasp).

Oh, by the way... I am totally addicted to iTunes. How on earth did I live before? And why didn't you mofo's tell me to get with it!

Thought of the Day
Two households both alike in dignity...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Night Raw

Oh Mondays! How I loathe thee!

I can't decide if I would like use my vacation days to take every Monday off or Fridays.

Tough choice!

Thought of the Day
Is the "X" a kiss and the "O" a hug or vice-versa?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Take Me Away

Hello 2008...
What should I say?

Work is crazy! They are hiring another full-time person. I don't really know how to take this. I can't do the job well enough by myself? Or just believe them when they say that they think it is just too much for one person. I've asked how our responsibilities will be divided up but I can't really get a straight answer. In response, I've started putting my resume out there. I've had two companies call me back (what a good feeling!). I don't really want to change jobs but it would be nice to get better benefits. Maybe I could even get PricenessNic insurance (what a concept)...

Thought of the Day
Please don't stop the music...